Sunday 28 February 2016

D.I.Y. Plant Name Tags

D.I.Y. Plant Name Tags

Sometime when you buy a plant that you like to try or add in to your collection, the plant tag wasn't there to be seen. So you have to D.I.Y. like finding the name the species or colour. Than you have to write it on a tag.

But not everyone have nice hand writing, like me so i use a label maker to do my plant name tag. The good this about using a label maker is.
  1. Print in different size.
  2. It will always be neat.
  3. You can remove it if you want to reuse your plant tags.
The bad thing is you have to type it with a small LCD screen & depend what model you buy.

A simple one will do for me actually just for some basic tagging needs. Is very useful in the long run.

Trying Out on African Violets

Trying Out on African Violets

I bought some stunning African Violet to try on they are on sales. So must else well, they are beautiful i love looking at them but keeping is kinda hard because they have sensitive leaves. I try to grow one last time it just rotted away. But i will try it again this time.

'Blue Blazes'

'Mary CraigLrgdb'

'Christmas Dream'

I actually go to the AFRICAN VIOLET SOCIETY OF AMERICA website to look for their names. My good lord there are hundred of different African violet hybrids in the world. They are beautiful. But i will try out this guys first if they survive under my care.

Update On Orchid Nutrients

ANDGRO Orchid Formula

I just got a few things from the garden supply warehouse/nursery.
But fertilizer is first on my list for my orchids, I am trying ANDGRO Orchid Formula for the growth. Because I am trying to encourage my 'Brassolaelia' to grow more foliage.

I just spray on my orchids I will see how much growth it will do to my orchids. I will get the flowering formula once the foliage is establish, & I shall do an update once its have some growth to show. 

Saturday 27 February 2016

Calathea ornata

Calathea ornata

I got this C.ornata same time as my Aglaonema var. 'Valentine', i like Species in my collection because of its large leaves, i think C.ornata is one of the few large leaves Calathea plants. Its thin line only show on mature leaves. C.ornata also have other colours leaves.

 This one got a lot of new growth & its leaves is large but will be larger when fully mature.
Hope this C.ornata to bloom for me as well.

Calathea roseopicta

Calathea roseopicta

I got this Calathea roseopicta same time as my Aglaonema var. 'Valentine', this C.roseopicta is one of my price Species that i wanted it for so long because is so expensive in the past. I love this C.roseopicta because when it bloom its flower look like a rose & when the plant is fully mature its leaves have a shine of maroon colour on it.

 This one doesn't look that pretty yet, but it have new leaf growth hopefully this new leaf will look better. & hope it will bloom for me anytime soon.

I will do an update on my C.roseopicta  new leaf growth once its fully open & mature.

Aglaonema var. 'Valentine'

Aglaonema var. 'Valentine'

I bought this Aglaonema var. 'Valentine' a few days ago together with my others Calathea Species, I will post them up individually in the blog.

I love this plant to be in my collection I just love the pinkish red colour in the leaves, & I pick this particular one because this one got a bulb & is about to bloom.

I shall post an update once it bloom, this Aglaonema var. 'Valentine' is just stunning. But its other Aglaonema var. come with a lot of different colours & blooms i will keep my eyes out for them to add it into my collection.

Calathea makoyana

Calathea makoyana

I got this Calathea makoyana for 3 month or so, it look kinda bared because I try to divide it but only the mother plant survive. I love Calathea Species very much from its leafs to its colours & patterns.

I will try to repot it to a well drain pot, but it have some new growth around the mother plant hopefully after repotting it, my Calathea Makoyana will grow better with bigger beautiful leaves & hopefully it bloom too.

Calathea Species only blooms when it is given the right condition, yap so hope I can make it blooms to show.

Hybrids - Dendrobium Enobi Purple

Hybrids - Dendrobium Enobi Purple

I got an orchid a few days ago at Ikea for my collection to try on to bust my confidence up to grow orchids. This flowers of the orchid is very well pattern. I didn't know what hybrid is it so I look in to the orchids farm website in Singapore.

So after a long & stressful search it hybrid name is 'Dendrobium Enobi Purple' but it was label at the orchid pot miniature orchids but i think is because it was a seedling orchid but even so it small size it have 3 spike of blooms.

Hybrids - Dendrobium Enobi Purple

 I put a 15cm ruler just to show how small it really is. But still the flowers is very beautiful. But when it get older the flower will have more of the purple colour covering the paddles.

Hybrids - Dendrobium Enobi Purple

I shall do an update on my Hybrids - Dendrobium Enobi Purple when it grow larger in the future or if anyone requested on its growth i might just do an update when i am free.

Friday 26 February 2016

Back From The Dead

Back From The Dead

This orchid that I have for awhile now is really something, I bought this orchid last October 2015. It have a very bright yellow flowers. I found the species I was grow in the orchid from webside is a Hybrids - Brassolaelia Yellow Bird, I love this Brassolaelia type orchid its flower is stunningly beautiful.

Oh well the story begin when my cat ate the flowers of my  & few weeks later the leafs start to turn yellow & start falling off. In the past the orchid I try to grow had the same problem & I got discourage by it than. But I start reading some orchids growing books I learn that different orchids have different need.

Alright so the leafs stop falling after 2 weeks or so, maybe I keep on watering it at night only which is much cooler at night. & I also found out after that "when you buy any orchids from Ikea soak it in water for at less 30min" because at Ikea the plants are water less.

& this January I saw something that I will never think it will happen. But it happen anyways. New growth from the surviving bunch never think I will see this day coming, Probable it was monsoon this past few month in Singapore.

I will be doing a follow up on my miracle Brassolaelia Yellow Bird.

P.S anyone that have this orchid in your collection I would love to know how you grow it. Thank

Beauty on The Leaf

This few photos was taken many years back at botanic garden. I just love the colours of different kind of plants & also my personal addiction plants I love to grow. I always find ferns & caladium type plants extremely colour, just by the leaves itself can the my mind away.

I love ferns very much for evergreen plants their leafs &
patterns are very unique
 This few photos was taken many years back at botanic garden. I just love the colours of different kind of plants & also my personal addiction plants I love to grow. I always find ferns & caladium type plants extremely colour, just by the leaves itself can the my mind away.
this is also one of the plant the I am very interested in growing,
it have that pinkish colour at the center of it leaf

this vine plant have a very digital colouring on it pretty cool

this is the same family as the pinkish leaf plant but in different colour,
this is also in one of my interest listed plant to have.