Friday 26 February 2016

Back From The Dead

Back From The Dead

This orchid that I have for awhile now is really something, I bought this orchid last October 2015. It have a very bright yellow flowers. I found the species I was grow in the orchid from webside is a Hybrids - Brassolaelia Yellow Bird, I love this Brassolaelia type orchid its flower is stunningly beautiful.

Oh well the story begin when my cat ate the flowers of my  & few weeks later the leafs start to turn yellow & start falling off. In the past the orchid I try to grow had the same problem & I got discourage by it than. But I start reading some orchids growing books I learn that different orchids have different need.

Alright so the leafs stop falling after 2 weeks or so, maybe I keep on watering it at night only which is much cooler at night. & I also found out after that "when you buy any orchids from Ikea soak it in water for at less 30min" because at Ikea the plants are water less.

& this January I saw something that I will never think it will happen. But it happen anyways. New growth from the surviving bunch never think I will see this day coming, Probable it was monsoon this past few month in Singapore.

I will be doing a follow up on my miracle Brassolaelia Yellow Bird.

P.S anyone that have this orchid in your collection I would love to know how you grow it. Thank

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