Sunday 27 March 2016

27 March 2016 Update & New Collection

A lot of new growth!

Been so busy this few weeks was unable to do an update, but a lot of new growth & something good. & of cause my new collections, got 3 more orchids & 3 new Caladium Plants.

1st of all the orchids. I bought 3 new orchids that really excite me.

Ionopsis utricularioides got the chance to try this species out it belong to the Oncidiinae-subtribe & Maxillarieae-tribe Orchid. Its flowers is small & feel like paper cloths, pretty colour to it. It was actually in a very bad shape when I got it but they are all revive & doing good now. together with the order new orchids I bought last week.

Ionopsis utricularioides

Ionopsis utricularioides (miniature flowers)

 This Unknown orchid is in really bad shape, rotting pseudobulbs & I had to remove it from the mount & cut of the rotting parts. After a week it is shooting out new growth, & also flower spike that's what I think it is. I take a few pseudobulbs & put it in a small pot see if I can save it. just incase the mean mount didn't make it. I put it in the bathroom. It shoot too.

Unknown Orchid

Unknown Orchid ( new shoot)

Unknown Orchid ( flower spike)

I bought this Phal Cornu-cervi 'flava' the albino species flower can't wait to see it bloom. This is the only one I bought that is pretty healthy, this on it smaller than my Phal. Cornu-cervi I have few week back.

Phalaenopsis Cornu-cervi 'flava'

I hang them below the rack & they seen to do very well. & is much cooler seen in Singapore is drought season new & is very bright & hot. Just hope it will do better 

Bathroom Project (orchids)

My experiment is quiet successful my Den. Enobi is having two new shoot, Blc. yellow bird bloom but it did stay long & I also put the unknown orchid division in the bathroom too, it grow new shoot too.

Updated growth & progress:
Seen the flower of my Blc. Yellow Bird didn't last long I bring it outside again but the humming bird seen to have pollenated it.

Other new progress on the orchids:
My Cattleya have been pollenated by the hummingbird too. I can't seen to get a shot at the hummingbird, fly off too fast. The pollenated flowers starting to die back. 

My new Caladium plants:

I bought three new Caladium plants from Ikea pass few weeks haven't identify them yet but they are pretty nice for the foliage.

Calathea Species

Duncan var. 

Duncan var.

Update on Aglaonema  var. 'Valentine' bloom:
Sorry for the poor lighting shot but the flower is actually white is not totally open up yet but is really cute look like corn.

All my Caladium plants is doing great new leaf growth is showing so I will hope to see lust foliage soon.

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