Sunday 6 March 2016

My First Cattleya Collection

My First Cattleya Collection

I bought my first two Cattleya Orchids from a garden supply store near my work place. The store owner sell a lot of different types of Orchids & is reasonable price.

(left) Cattleya Kimberly var. (right) Cattleya Tainan Gold var.

C. Tainan Gold var. bloom spike

C. Kimberly bloom spike 1

C. Kimberly bloom spike 2

C. Kimberly bloom spike 3
This two Cattleya is now semi unknown for its bloom type so just have to wait for it to bloom, but the owner say the grower he get his cattleya from is very reliable for its blooms. So I shall see but I will be going back there for my new collection.

& he also give me an orchid for free & I pick it is pretty nice is also an hybrid.

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS '

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS ' (close-up)

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS ' (full)
Isn't it cute really beautiful flowers & colours. I will also do an update to my orchids profile I dig up last night, have an all nighter yesterday just to know more about my orchids.

& I will keep updating of my orchids progress. I would love to know your suggestion if there is any good ideas on growing my orchids thanks.

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