Sunday 28 February 2016

D.I.Y. Plant Name Tags

D.I.Y. Plant Name Tags

Sometime when you buy a plant that you like to try or add in to your collection, the plant tag wasn't there to be seen. So you have to D.I.Y. like finding the name the species or colour. Than you have to write it on a tag.

But not everyone have nice hand writing, like me so i use a label maker to do my plant name tag. The good this about using a label maker is.
  1. Print in different size.
  2. It will always be neat.
  3. You can remove it if you want to reuse your plant tags.
The bad thing is you have to type it with a small LCD screen & depend what model you buy.

A simple one will do for me actually just for some basic tagging needs. Is very useful in the long run.

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