Sunday 27 March 2016

Planning New Project

Photo for blog visual only 

I was thinking of making a orchids mount project for display & visual prepares & experimental studies for orchids lovers out there. So hope you readers will keep on reading & or share my blogs if you guys likes it. thank you for your support.

Photo for blog visual only 

I am also planning on terrarium project too for experimental studies & as a display pieces for home. I was a bio student few yours back so I wish to start my own experiment of my own to studies on. Also for people out there that need information on plants we can all learn together.

Hope I will start soon early April.

27 March 2016 Update & New Collection

A lot of new growth!

Been so busy this few weeks was unable to do an update, but a lot of new growth & something good. & of cause my new collections, got 3 more orchids & 3 new Caladium Plants.

1st of all the orchids. I bought 3 new orchids that really excite me.

Ionopsis utricularioides got the chance to try this species out it belong to the Oncidiinae-subtribe & Maxillarieae-tribe Orchid. Its flowers is small & feel like paper cloths, pretty colour to it. It was actually in a very bad shape when I got it but they are all revive & doing good now. together with the order new orchids I bought last week.

Ionopsis utricularioides

Ionopsis utricularioides (miniature flowers)

 This Unknown orchid is in really bad shape, rotting pseudobulbs & I had to remove it from the mount & cut of the rotting parts. After a week it is shooting out new growth, & also flower spike that's what I think it is. I take a few pseudobulbs & put it in a small pot see if I can save it. just incase the mean mount didn't make it. I put it in the bathroom. It shoot too.

Unknown Orchid

Unknown Orchid ( new shoot)

Unknown Orchid ( flower spike)

I bought this Phal Cornu-cervi 'flava' the albino species flower can't wait to see it bloom. This is the only one I bought that is pretty healthy, this on it smaller than my Phal. Cornu-cervi I have few week back.

Phalaenopsis Cornu-cervi 'flava'

I hang them below the rack & they seen to do very well. & is much cooler seen in Singapore is drought season new & is very bright & hot. Just hope it will do better 

Bathroom Project (orchids)

My experiment is quiet successful my Den. Enobi is having two new shoot, Blc. yellow bird bloom but it did stay long & I also put the unknown orchid division in the bathroom too, it grow new shoot too.

Updated growth & progress:
Seen the flower of my Blc. Yellow Bird didn't last long I bring it outside again but the humming bird seen to have pollenated it.

Other new progress on the orchids:
My Cattleya have been pollenated by the hummingbird too. I can't seen to get a shot at the hummingbird, fly off too fast. The pollenated flowers starting to die back. 

My new Caladium plants:

I bought three new Caladium plants from Ikea pass few weeks haven't identify them yet but they are pretty nice for the foliage.

Calathea Species

Duncan var. 

Duncan var.

Update on Aglaonema  var. 'Valentine' bloom:
Sorry for the poor lighting shot but the flower is actually white is not totally open up yet but is really cute look like corn.

All my Caladium plants is doing great new leaf growth is showing so I will hope to see lust foliage soon.

Sunday 13 March 2016

13 March 2016 Full Update & New Orchid Collection

13 March 2016 Full Update & New Orchid Collection

Sorry I haven't been active on the update busy with work lately. So now I will do a weekly update on my plants, & a lot of growth this week so just to show you readers what is growing.

Orchids update;
Cattleya Slc. Little Fairy 'Jennie AM/AOS Note: Limited'
Cattleya Slc. Little Fairy 'Jennie AM/AOS Note: Limited

Cattleya aurantiaca

Phalaenopsis Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS '

Dendrobium  Enobi Purple 'Splash AM/AOS, AM/HOS

A lot of new bloom on the orchids my Cattleya is blooming, my Phalaenopsis still in bloom & my Dendrobium is in full bloom but some of it flowers wider off. & also I have also ID. my Cattleya orchids for their true identities. & also I have been doing some experiment with my Den. Enobi & I also got a new pot of Bl. Yellow bird for the bathroom window seal see how they grow so far so good. Because today is feeding day so I put them outside for the day. Will do at update on bathroom experiment.

New Collection Orchids;
Phalaenopsis  'Sweetheart'

Phalaenopsis Cornu-cervi

Phalaenopsis Cornu-cervi

I rescued the Phalaenopsis 'sweetheart' from Ikea it was pretty damaged on leaves & roots but it have a very soft green medium size flowers so I take my chances with that. & my first Species Orchid Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi the flower is small & waxy & there is a now stem spike growing out, it was in the small hanging plastic net pot so small that its roots is bigger than the pot itself. I repotted them yesterday so hope they grow better.

Calatheas Update;

Caladium rack small 3 tier

Calathea Makoyana

Calathea Roseopicta

My Calathea Makoyana have new leaves growth & c. Roseopicta showing off its new leaf. I have shifted the 3 tier rack near to our house entrance so it can provide us with flesher air flow. I love Caladium plants because they are natural air purifier & of cause they re pretty to look at too.

African Violets Update;

New planter pot for my African Violets

AV. Mary CraigLrgdb

AV. Mary CraigLrgdb

AV.  Blue Blazes

AV.  Blue Blazes

AV. Christmas Dream

AV. Christmas Dream
My African Violets is doing great Still in bloom & blooming & their leaves is starting to show this shine when it have the right amount of humidity in its grow space. But the leaves is prom to dust so I bought a set of kids paint blushes from Ikea with different size & shape for different parts of the leaves cleaning. They do very well near the windows great indoor plants, & will also be getting fertilizer to feed them to give them to bloom more healthy flowers.

Re-Constructing The Mean Rack Update.

Recycled Rack as Planting Rack
The old layout is very massy & disorganize so I did a few adjustment yesterday, but at the bolt are in bad condition so it told me very long time to unbolt them. Now is much more organize & more space for my plants & collection.

Sunday 6 March 2016

My Orchids Profile

My Orchids Profile

Den. Enobi Purple 'Splash AM/AOS, AM/HOS; Note: Limited '
(Den. Enobi Komachi x Den. Laguna Princess)

In addition to the AM/AOS and CCM/AOS awards granted to this clone in Taiwan, it has just received an AM/HOS and CCM/HOS from the Honolulu Orchid Society for a beautifully grown specimen plant ! In addition to its unique fuchsia-splashed sepals and petals, it’s also an outstanding miniature, a much smaller grower than the typically taller growing standard Dendrobium. This is probably the best of all Den. bigibbum hybrids since it doesn’t succumb to a bud drop problem like so many other Den. bigibbum progeny. We’ve already seen this flower 2-3 times a year for us in southern California. An extremely rewarding display for such a small footprint plant. Highly Recommended!
Color White, Pink, Other
Bloom Season Spring, Fall
Propagation Method  Mericlone
Fragrance No
Plant Location Greenhouse, House
Light Requirement Medium 1000+ F.C.,Low 800+ F.C.
Species False
Compact Grower True
Class Dendrobium
Genus Den.
Hybrid Name Enobi Purple
Cultivar Splash AM/AOS, AM/HOS; Note: Limited
Pod Parent Den. Enobi Komachi
Pollen Parent Den. Laguna Princess

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS '
(Anna-Larati Soekardj x Stone Dance)

Just upgraded to an Award of Merit from the American Orchid Society, this charming and fragrant miniature produces charming little flowers that are just too cute for words ! Its delightful fragrance is a wonderful surprise, and its beautiful silver-marked leaves make it attractive, even when not in flower. A vigorous grower, readily making basal keikis for the ultimate display, yet a small space treasure. Highly Recommended !
Color Purple
Bloom Season Summer
Propagation Method   Mericlone
Fragrance No
Plant Location Greenhouse, House, Outdoor-frost free
Light Requirement Medium 1000+ F.C.,Low 800+ F.C.
Species False
Compact Grower True
Class Phalaenopsis
Genus Dtps.
Hybrid Name Tying Shin Pink Kite
Cultivar Geneva' AM/AOS
Pod Parent Anna-Larati Soekardj
Pollen Parent Stone Dance
Awards HCC/AOS

Bl. (Brassolaelia) Yellow Bird.

This plant is crossed between Bl. Richard Mueller (Brassavola nodosa x Laelia milleri) x Brassavola nodosa. Created by H&R Nurseries of Hawaii and registered in 1990. The flower is 3 inches across started as darkish orange and turn yellow after few days
Orchidaceae (Orchid Family)
Brassavola nodosa x x Brassolaelia Richard Mueller g.
In July - March

Not much about Brassolaelia Yellow Bird, in the web.

My new Cattleya is still unknown until I know what flower there have to find their profile.

My Watering Style

My Watering Style

Many people have different ways of watering your plants. I used a few ways to water my plants.
  1. Self watering pots - for plants that need a lot of water.
  2. Drip system - for my sensitive plants
  3. Spray watering bottle - for fast cleaning & cooling for large leaves plant like 'Caladium' plants also for my orchids if the day is too hot.
I love spray watering bottle best because it can spray large diameter of an area & clean the dirt of my Caladium type plants which there like their leaves to be clean at all time for a lust growth.

1.5L spray watering bottles (pump type)
I am planning to get a larger on the can hold at less 10L of water for all the plants I have. Yap this work for me & all my plants exclude my African violet. 

My First Cattleya Collection

My First Cattleya Collection

I bought my first two Cattleya Orchids from a garden supply store near my work place. The store owner sell a lot of different types of Orchids & is reasonable price.

(left) Cattleya Kimberly var. (right) Cattleya Tainan Gold var.

C. Tainan Gold var. bloom spike

C. Kimberly bloom spike 1

C. Kimberly bloom spike 2

C. Kimberly bloom spike 3
This two Cattleya is now semi unknown for its bloom type so just have to wait for it to bloom, but the owner say the grower he get his cattleya from is very reliable for its blooms. So I shall see but I will be going back there for my new collection.

& he also give me an orchid for free & I pick it is pretty nice is also an hybrid.

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS '

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS ' (close-up)

Dtps. Tying Shin Pink Kite 'Geneva' AM/AOS ' (full)
Isn't it cute really beautiful flowers & colours. I will also do an update to my orchids profile I dig up last night, have an all nighter yesterday just to know more about my orchids.

& I will keep updating of my orchids progress. I would love to know your suggestion if there is any good ideas on growing my orchids thanks.